The Kerr Lab | People

Cliff Kerr

Cliff Kerr | | Full CV

Cliff is a reformed physicist, having completed a PhD in that field in 2009 at the University of Sydney. He recently received an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Research Award, and moved to the University of Sydney at the end of 2014. Before that he was a postdoctoral fellow at SUNY Downstate, investigating large-scale thalamocortical network models of the sensorimotor system. He also currently holds a position as a Senior Research Associate at the Kirby Institute in Australia, developing models of HIV transmission to advise governments on optimal budget allocations. Lastly, he co-directs Cingulate Consulting, a data analytics firm.

David Kedziora

David Kedziora |

David is a postdoctoral research associate. He received his PhD from the Australian National University studying rogue waves. He is working on the integration of spiking network models and neural field models.

Rosemary Menzies

Rosemary Menzies |

Rosemary is a Complex Systems Scholarship student. She works on model validation, calibration, and data analysis for comparing spiking network models to individual rats.

Campbell McLauchlan

Campbell McLauchlan |

Campbell is a Complex Systems Scholarship student. He works on LFP modeling and model analysis.

Zac Sweeney

Zac Sweeney

Zac is a Talented Student Program student. He is currently working on the variability of neuronal network response to the application of differing stimuli.

Lily Li

Lily Li

Lily is a Summer Vacation Scholar, working on analyzing the relationship between hand gestures and human electrocorticography (ECoG) data. In 2015, she was a Talented Student Program student, where she worked on looking at the effects of Parkinson's disease on a spiking network model on controlling a robotic arm.

People no longer with us

Felicity Lee

Felicity Lee (2015)

Felicity was an Advanced Studies Course student. She worked on analyzing stimulus responses in macaque brains.

Alex Stephens

Alex Stephens (2015)

Alex was a Talented Student Program student. He worked with Lily looking at the effects of Parkinson's disease on a spiking network model on controlling a robotic arm.

Rhys Anderson

Rhys Anderson (2012)

Rhys was an Honours student. He worked on neural field modeling of K-complexes in sleep.

Other collaborators and coauthors can generally be found at the Neurosim Lab, the Complex Systems Group, or the Optima website.

last updated: 2016-Dec-15 18:56:34 MST